Friday, December 27, 2019

The Effects Of Sleep Consumed On The Accuracy And Reaction...

This experiment tests how the amount of sleep consumed effects the accuracy and reaction time in college students. The hypothesis states that a participant who received six or less hours of sleep the previous night will have slower reaction times and less accuracy than a participant who received more than six hours of sleep. Participants were broken into two groups (six or less hours of sleep and more than six hours) and asked to identify the color of ink on a flash card. This was a timed test to calculate accuracy and reaction time. The results of the study did not support the hypothesis. It was therefore rejected. According to Marhefka (2001), insufficient sleep reduces cognitive functioning in college student. Sleep deprivation is†¦show more content†¦Method Participants. There were twenty participants involved in this study. Seven were male and thirteen were female. Range of age of the participants was widely varied. Age was not one of the measured variables. All participants were college students or faculty at Arapahoe Community College (ACC). The participants were all selected at random. Participants were found while walking through out ACC. Each participant was given the details of participating in the study; they then made the decision to choose to participate or to decline. Materials. In this study flash cards were used to test reaction time. White 3x5 inch note cards were used. On each note card was written a color word (e.g. blue, black, purple). The color words were written in a noncorresponding colored ink (e.g. word blue written in red ink, word purple written in green ink). A stopwatch on a cell phone was used to keep time of twenty seconds. A flowchart was created to keep order of how many cards were completed correctly and incorrectly. There were thirty-seven flash cards made for this experiment which were kept in the same order throughout the study. On the flowchart, the column furthest to the left contained al the colors of the ink on each card in order. There were twenty additional columns to the right, one for each participant. Procedures. To begin the experiment, participants were asked to report the amount of sleep received the previous night. TheyShow MoreRelatedEffect of Different Music Genres on the Mind6676 Words   |  27 PagesIndividual Research Project FIRST-HAND INVESTIGATION BIOLOGY The Effect of Different Music Genres on the Human Mind: * Concentration * Spatial Reasoning * Short-Term Memory * Reaction Time Timothy Yee Joy TABLE OF CONTENTS Why I chose this topic ............................................................................3 Summary of Prior Research......................................................................4 Appendix of Research and Assessment of Reliability ........Read Moreeffect of stress on students academic performance6787 Words   |  28 Pagesreviewed by the researcher. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Crossing Brooklyn Ferry by Walt Whitman Essay - 875 Words

Through the use of simple diction, Whitman is able to traverse both time and distance and connect with his readers as so few other poets can. His mastery of verbiage draws readers into the poem, as few other poets can. In â€Å"Crossing Brooklyn Ferry,† Whitman creates a vignette into the Brooklyn of the past, and he connects it to the present, though in surprising ways. The omnipresence of Whitman allows the reader to envision themselves into the settings he created- and to interpret them into modern language. By creating a path through the cities of the past, Whitman connects with his readers in a fascinating and deeply personal way. Whitman’s mastery of language and is apparent in the poem narrator’s ability†¦show more content†¦After establishing the omnipresence of the poem, Whitman addresses those readers in the future by beginning with the declaration that It avails not, time nor place—distance avails not (CITE), thus stating that I (Whitma n) am with you (CITE). Whitman connects his sights to those of the future by stating that future people will experience, he has already seen Just as you . . . or I too, which reinforces the omnipresent and boundless power of nature to connect all time and space together (CITE). Whitman relishes the joy and sheer pleasure of being connected to something much greater than himself. He does not fear the inevitable death he must face because he knows he will experience the future, though through the eyes of those yet to be born. He is able to find comfort in Others [who feel] the same—others who look back on me because I lookd forward to them (CITE). There is no finality in death because he, like his readers, will continue to live long after they are gone. After asking What is it then between us? / What is the count of the scores or hundreds of years between us? (CITE) he states that it does not matter. Whitman connects himself to all the people of the past and present, those who have been â€Å"struck from the float (CITE) or suddenly aware of the futility of a single life. One does not have to have hadShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Walt Whitman s Crossing Brooklyn Ferry 1271 Words   |  6 PagesThe American Dream establishes a journey to achieve a goal in order to start a new life. In â€Å"Crossing Brooklyn Ferry† by Walt Whitman, Walt Whitman illustrates the arrival to endorse a connection with the American future. Therefore, Walt Whitman conveys the experience of arrival using images to highlight the steps to reach the American Dream. As a result, the experience of arrival introduces a similar goal people are trying to achieve, which connects one another. 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In contrast, Walt Whitman’s Crossing Brooklyn Ferry, displays the shift from transcendentalism towards realism. Rather than imagination, Whitman uses natural imagery (real images of nature and our surroundings) to convey realism. Whitman exemplifies this as follows: Just as you feel when you look on the river and sky, so I felt, Just as any of you is one of a living crowdRead MoreAn Analysis of â€Å"Crossing Brooklyn Ferry† and â€Å"Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking†2534 Words   |  11 PagesAn Analysis of â€Å"Crossing Brooklyn Ferry† and â€Å"Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking† By Austin Cooley ENGL 2027 – 007 In â€Å"Crossing Brooklyn Ferry† the story follows the narrator’s experience with life as he takes a beautiful ferry ride. The man talks about the meaning of his life to other people. In this crowd he brings together all of the strangers and finds a connection. His journey through â€Å"space and time† is focused on the people. In the first sections, Whitman sets the scene by describing hisRead MoreAnalysis Of Crossing Brooklyn Ferry By Ralph Waldo Emerson1045 Words   |  5 Pagesof Walt Whitman. This is no accident or act of fate. Whitman purposely aimed to become a True Poet for America, as described by Ralph Waldo Emerson’sâ€Å"The Poet†. He did this through his elements and themes of his poetry which transformed him into an eternal man, and speaker of all people. Whitman’s poem â€Å"Crossing Brooklyn Ferry† not only portrays these aspects of him but also shows how he is a Transcendentalist through the themes of time, human con nectivity, and beauty. In â€Å"Crossing Brooklyn Ferry†Read MoreThe New Colossus By Jane Addams Essay1364 Words   |  6 Pagesdistinction between â€Å"settlers† and â€Å"immigrants,† causing many observers to be concerned with how these new arrivals would fit in to American society. Emma Lazarus in â€Å"The New Colossus†, Jane Addams in Twenty Years at Hull House, Walt Whitman in â€Å"Crossing the Brooklyn Ferry†, Theodore Roosevelt in American Ideals, and Thomas Aldrich in â€Å"Unguarded Gates† are just a few names in American Literature who use their work as a medium to voice their opinions on the issue of immigration. Emma Lazarus’s poemRead MoreThe Most Uneven Great Poet By Tenney Nathanson1102 Words   |  5 Pagestumultuous waves,) Ever with pleas’d smile I may keep on, Ever and ever yet the verses owning – as, first, I here and now, Singing for Soul and Body, set to them my name, Walt Whitman Walt Whitman, termed â€Å"America’s most uneven great poet† by Tenney Nathanson, is one of America’s greatest poets. Born in 1819 in Long Island, Whitman lived during an era when sexuality, especially homosexuality, a term not coined until years later, was a taboo subject not to be discussed in public. Many of his poems

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Case Study of Airaisa Airline Plane-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp

Question: Analyse the Case Study of Airaisa Airline Plane 8051 Crash in 2014 Decision Making Problem Solving. Answer: Introduction The report is regarding the Indonesia AirAsia Flight 8501 (QZ8501/AWQ8501) which was scheduled to carry passengers from Surabaya, Indonesia, to Singapore. The international passenger flight was operated by AirAsia Group affiliate Indonesia AirAsia. The flight met with an accident on 8 December 2014, while operating on the route, crashing into the Java Sea due to bad weather. The incident killed all 155 passengers and seven crew on board. The debris and human remains were collected two days later in the Java Sea. The wreckage was found on the sea floor on 3 January 2015(ABEND, 2015). The flight data recorder and cockpit voice recorder were recovered by 13 January. The aircraft was hindered during an unusual steep climb and had been incapable to recuperate. On 1 December 2015, the Indonesian National Transportation Safety Committee stated that the incidence was caused due to the sequence of events causing crash due to malfunction in the rudder travel limiter unit. The pilots reply to t he 104-degree roll of the aircraft and miscommunication lead to chain of events leading loss of aircraft. The air crash became the second-deadliest in Indonesian territory, behind Garuda Indonesia Flight 152 in 1997. It was considered as the second deadliest crash involving A320 and the third deadliest involving an Airbus A320 family (Lab, 2015). The aircraft crash lead to series of consequences generating multiple allegations on the AirAsia. It further leads to economic crash and had a long term impact (Smith, 2015). Purpose of Report The report is related to examination of Air crash of Indonesia AirAsia Flight 8501 (QZ8501/AWQ8501). The incidence leads to series of impacts on the Indonesian economy. Such incidence creates distrust in the airliner and hence creates disruption. The AirAsia incidences lead to multiple theories against their goodwill. One of the main purposes is to examine the consequences that lead to this event and further affected the unsettled events coming up in future. AirAsia suffered widespread allegations due to the incidence and witnessed a series of fall in the share market. The group is a pioneer of low -cost model in Asia, and has built a strong reputation for affordable and safe flying. This has further questioned the credibility of AirAsias long history in aviation industry. An analysis into the matter and how it affected companys position wherein causing a fall in the share price. It showcases the investor behavior due to the fall in the stock market during the period. It further prov ides recommendations to the company and the readers regarding the air crash. This has further greater implications on the airliner in order to reduce such incidence (Trask, 2016). Company, Problem and Approach Used to Solve The air crash was known as one the second-deadliest incidence in the history of Indonesian territory. It has affected people trust over the airliner and hampered the peoples faith for a long time-period. The fatal crash occurred due to bad weather condition. The deadliest incident created a deep concern in mind of people regarding the credibility of aircraft. The probable reason behind the crash was due to the bad weather. This accident has created a concern among people, whether to trust the brand or not. AirAsia is known across the world for holding minority interest in countries like Thailand, the Philippines, India; the low cost airliner is carrying out facilities in order to manage the operations in the cost-friendly way. Incidence like this has questioned the credibility of the airliner and shaken the faith of people. AirAsia has flown more than 200 Million passengers across the world, including its long haul arm AirAsia X. There has never been an incidence regarding the lost o f flight or accident. The apparent incidence caused due to the miscommunication in between the pilot and the co-pilot due to the technical problem. The Airbus was en-route to Singapore from Surabaya, wherein it lost the contact with air traffic control after 42 Minutes after takeoff. Seven crew members and 155 passengers were on board. The wreckage and bodies were later collected from the Java Sea. There were multiple theories suggesting the reason behind the incidence. Investigators state that the Airliner lost the control of the plane leading to accident (Otto and Pasztor, 2015). Another theory suggests that the incidence was caused due to technical problem with the Rudder Travel Limiter; The estimated interruption to RTL occurred around 3 times in a space of 13minutes resulting in disengagement to auto-pilot. The loss in auto-pilot function created a miscommunication in between the pilot and the co-pilot leading to manual fly. According to the information collected from the two b lack boxes; there was a miscommunication in between the two pilots. The pilot instructed the co-pilot to pull down which literally means sending the plane to 38,000 feet. There is a literal misrepresentation of instructions as given by the pilot to the co-pilot (Barreveld, 2015). The findings from the year long investigations suggest that there was no standardised terminology. Co-pilot was initially taken control of the plane as the pilot was fixing the RTL. Further investigations suggested that the plane faced the same issue 23 times since January 2014. The problem occurred due to a cracked solder joint when exposed to extreme temperature (Koren, 2015). The investigation detects two reasons behind the incidence resulting in plane crash. The malfunctioning of RTL and subsequent flight crew action resulted in the accident. It was beyond the capability of the crew to recover. The series of technical failure resulted in the incidence. The joint investigation by Australian, French, Singaporean and Malaysian authorities has pointed out the weakness in pilot training in dealing with such situations. It is further recommended by the authorities that the pilots have to be given training regarding the recovery of plane (Pounian and Green, 2015). Analysis From above it is clear that analysis it is clear that the It is very well clear from the scenario that the AirAsia pilots are not given with a proper training. There were sudden changes in the market leading to change in airliner in an effective way. This has a prolong impact on the history of aircraft industry. This has a direct influence on the airliner and influenced the factors that were later responsible for the ill-fate of the aircraft. It is further justified that the airliner has a direct implication on the flight and impact the flight had on the long term sustainability (Brajawidagda, Chatfield and Reddick, 2015). This is important enough while analysing the factors that are associated with the incidence. This is important in order to avoid such incidences in the aviation industry. This is important enough for handling the situation in the most effective way. More the less, this incidence is an example of ignorance that required to be dealt with utmost care. It is clear from that the steep fly angle in attempting to over-fly a huge thundercloud the Air Asia plane, flying from Surabaya to Singapore in the early morning of 28 December 2014, entered the thundercloud. Jet-engines stopped working without presence of oxygen. Air Asia flight QZ8501, a twin engine Airbus 320, unfortunately flew into such a bubble of CO2 the aircraft made an "unbelievably" steep climb, from 32,000 to 38,000 feet, possibly pushing it beyond the Airbus A320's limit. Due to the high altitude and steep angle of climb, the plane lost control and lost the balance. As per the research, The CO2 escaping from an unknown source in the earths crust resulted in high winds at this altitude, leading the incidence (Matsuno and Ilmi, 2015). There were sudden disturbance in the flight recorder (black box) from Flight 8501 can disprove or otherwise validate this theory. The possible reason behind the incidence can only be determined through the recordings. There are multiple theories one out of many possible explanations for the accident. The crucial point to look for is the relatively sudden loss of thrust due to failure of both engines at about 36,000 feet (Gerken, et al 2016). There is a need to conduct an investigation into the matter like - Investigation of possible volcanic activity in the region. This is to avoid any repeat of stalling aircraft, in case more CO2 is released. Critical Evaluation of the Approach Used One of the main reasons behind the incidence was due to ineffective training. This is critical for gaining an effective insight. There were questions on the credibility of the airliner that has affected the company. People avoided the use of Aircraft after the incidence took place. There are situation where the critics have slammed the company for using inefficient aircrafts (Elliot, 2015). Improvements Suggested in the Approach used There are consistent issues in the airliner that required to be addressed in a well effective way. There is a necessity to adopt a standardised training process. The pilots are not being provided with a proper training that in return has affected the brand. Reports suggested that the Airliner was not following any standardized guidelines that created the confusion. There is a necessity to address the problem in a well and effective way so as to manage the problem with a correct approach. This is important for gaining effectiveness in drawing efficiency in the best possible way (LA Times, 2015). Other Available Approaches Another critical issue found in the case study is regarding the use of failed aircraft parts. The incident could have been avoided if the RTL was repaired at an early stage. There is a constant issue that is been faced by the airliner. Such an incidence created questions in the mind of the travellers and the other stakeholders. It is important to repair the aircraft in order to avoid such incidences in future. The Best Approach The best approach is to find out the most appropriate solution to the problem and to effectively implement the plan in order to eliminate the repercussion of such incidence. This is important to eliminate such incidences that might affect the company later. This is necessary for implementing one of the most effective ways to reduce the ill-impact (Auxier, 2015; Bellamy, 2015). Stock Market Analysis After the incidence, AirAsia share price fell 7.8 percent. This was their biggest one-day drop in more than three years after its Flight QZ8501 went missing. A lot many travelers lost faith in the airline. This has affected the company profits for a short period. AirAsia took the whole responsibility and believed in shifting people negative attitude towards the airline (Wise, 2015). The Kuala Lumpur-traded shares of AirAsia had fallen 7.8 percent as of 0320 GMT, their biggest daily drop since Sept. 22, 2011. The stock had dropped as much as 12.9 percent after the opening, compared with a 0.4 percent decline in Kuala Lumpurs benchmark index. The fall in investors faith has affected the brand and later created a question in their mind. They find it difficult for them to manage the interest of people in the company (Plucinska, 2015). About 59.5 million AirAsia shares had been traded. That was about 5.2 times the stocks average full-day volume over the past 30 days. The fall in the price of AirAsia share was considered to be the highest fall after 2011. However, as expected the price of share went up after sometime (REUTERS, AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE, 2015). Reaction of Investors to Problem and Solution There was a drastic fall in the AirAsias share after the incident took place. The entire market was bewildered after a fall in the market. Investor lost the hope in the company for a short period of time. AirAsia try building customer faith that was lost after the crash. It is very obvious from the research that has a sustainable impact on the investor. A negative image of the brand was coated for the short period of time. Customers believed that the company is not trustworthy enough to gain an effective market share. The fall in investors faith has affected the brand and later created a question in their mind. They find it difficult for them to manage the interest of people in the company. People do lose faith in a brand after such an incidence. AirAsia replenish the lost faith of people in the company. The CEO of AirAsia came forward and took complete responsibility of the incidence. It was pretty much understood that people require and effective plan in order to gear up people interest (McGee, 2015). Trend Analysis of Share Price during the Period The following data shows the change in the price of AirAsia during the event. It states forward the changes in the fall of the prices. The AirAsia share price fell 7.8 percent at the starting stage. It started recovering in July 2015. The chart represents the changes in market share of AirAsia after the incidence. This directly showcases the impact of this incidence on the company (Reuters, 2015). Conclusions To conclude, the incidence had a long lasting impact in the history of AirAsia. It can be seen that Airliner faced multiple impacts due to the incidence. People lost faith in the airliner that has shaken the faith of people. It is important enough for taking inference of such incidences and developing a proper strategy in order to avoid any such incidence in future. The report provide with multiple theories. It examines the consequences that lead to this event and further affected the share market. Summary of Key learning Points The aircraft crash lead to series of consequences generating multiple allegations on the AirAsia The deadliest incident created a deep concern in mind of people regarding the credibility of aircraft The failure was caused due to the RTL and ineffective training to the pilots. The share market was affected due to the incidence for a short period which later started recovering in July 2015. Recommendations To company It is recommended that, AirAsia need to incorporate an effective training process. The problem can only be eliminated if the company is able to manage the situation with a correct approach. This is important for gaining effectiveness in drawing efficiency in the best possible way. To readers It is recommended that, for safety sake the customers need to keep faith in the airliner. It is further suggested that the travellers should refrain themselves from using airline that are continuously facing the issues. References Abend, L.2015. AirAsia 8501 crash: It's not just pilot error. Online. Available at: Accessed on: 25 November 2017 Auxier, E.2015. PULL DOWN! HARSH LESSONS FROM THE AIRASIA 8501 ACCIDENT. Online. Available at: Accessed on: 25 November 2017 Barreveld, D., 2015.Air Crash Investigations-Cracked Solder Joint-The Crash of Indonesia Air Asia Flight 8501. Lulu Press, Inc. Bellamy, W.2015. AirAsia Flight 8501 Crash Caused by Pilot Error, Rudder Units. Online. Available at: Accessed on: 25 November 2017 Brajawidagda, U., Chatfield, A.T. and Reddick, C.G., 2015, May. The imperative of government transparency in crisis communication: the case of AirAsia QZ8501 crash. InProceedings of the 16th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research(pp. 51-60). ACM. Elliot,M.2015. AirAsia QZ8501 Crash: Final Report Points to Faulty Component, Crew Action. Online. Available at : Accessed on: 25 November 2017 Gerken, F., Van der Land, S.F. and van der Meer, T.G., 2016. Crisis in the air: An investigation of AirAsias crisis-response effectiveness based on frame alignment.Public Relations Review,42(5), pp.879-892. Koren, M.2015. What Brought AirAsia Flight 8501 Down?. Online. Available at: Accessed on: 25 November 2017 LA Times, 2015. Full Coverage Crash of Indonesia AirAsia Flight 8501. Online. Available at : Accessed on: 25 November 2017 Lab,K.2015. AirAsia crash: crew lost control of plane after apparent misunderstanding. Online. Available at: Accessed on: 25 November 2017 Matsuno, S. and Ilmi, B., 2015. A CAUSAL STUDY ON THE AIRASIA AIRBUS CRASH EVENT. McGee, O.2015. AirAsia 8501 Crash Report Says Faulty Part, Pilot Error Stalled Airbus A320 Last Year. Online. Available at: Accessed on: 25 November 2017 Otto,B. And Pasztor, A. 2015. Malfunctions, Pilot Response Blamed in AirAsia Flight 8501 Crash. Online. Available at: Accessed on: 25 November 2017 Plucinska, J.2015. Crew Action and a Faulty Part Caused the AirAsia Crash, Indonesian Investigators Say. Online. Available at : Accessed on: 25 November 2017 Pounian, S. and Green, J., 2015. AirAsia Flight 8501 Disaster: Applying International Conventions.New York Law Journal. REUTERS, AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE,2015. Crash of AirAsia QZ8501: Key findings of investigation report. Online. Available at: Accessed on: 25 November 2017 Reuters, 2015. AirAsia Flight QZ8501 missing, share price crashes 7.8 pct, biggest drop in 3 years. Online. Available at: Accessed on: 25 November 2017 Smith ,L.2015. AirAsia flight QZ8501: Faulty part and 'crew action' caused loss of control that killed 162. Online. Available at: Accessed on: 25 November 2017 Trask, S. 2016. Thousand of Australians flew on doomed Indonesian AirAsia plane for a year before it crashed in Java Sea and killed 162 people. Online. Available at: Accessed on: 25 November 2017 Wise,J.2015. AirAsia Flight 8501 Crash Reveals the Dangers of Putting Machines in the Drivers Seat. Online. Available at: Accessed on: 25 November 2017

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Operational Decision Making at the Rotana Jet Company

Company Description Rotana Jet is an Airline Company in the United Arab Emirates operating both Scheduled Airline and Executive Charter services. Rotana Jet aims at improving its services and connectivity not only to the Arabian Gulf region, but also to the entire world.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Operational Decision Making at the Rotana Jet Company specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In its operations, the company has maintained standard benchmarks in order to enhance safety, quality, and apt customer service (â€Å"Rotana Jet: About Us† par. 2). The Company has a vision of expanding its fleet, capabilities, and route networks as techniques of meeting the frequently changing needs of the market. Simultaneously, Rotana Jet intends to deliver new and innovative services and products to its clients in order to gain competitive advantage over its competitors in the crowded airline industry. Currently, the company operates in Sir Bani Yas Island, Dalma Island, Fujairah and Al Ain, as well as Johannesburg, London and Singapore. Description of Operations The Airline Company has operating bases for domestic services at Al†Bateen Executive Airport and Abu Dhabi International Airport. At Al†Bateen Executive Airport, which is the main operating base, the airline has a Technical Operations division that maintains aircrafts and provides component support for the ERJ145 and G450 aircrafts (â€Å"Rotana Jet: About Us† par. 4).Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More On-site division saves on cost of maintenance and component support as compared to a situation where a company outsources such services. Rotana Jet offers scheduled Airline services in which it has schedule to expand its route network to places like Ras Al Khaimah and Sharjah. The location of the main ai rport is exceptionally strategic to tap both domestic passengers and corporate clients. Since the company operates on flight services, it has moved to add a new Airbus A319ER, which carries 34 more passengers than the legendary Gulfstream G450. At the same time, the company has ensured that it increases output by purchasing 50-seater Airbuses that can fly non-stop from Casablanca to Abu Dhabi (â€Å"Rotana Jet: About Us† par. 7). In using two jets in the Regional Airline Fleet, Rotana Jet is improving the overall output of its services. The overall outputs in the operations are mainly non-tangible, such as high customer satisfaction, high returns on investments, and increased customer loyalty. The airline industry being a service-based industry ensures that it offers quality services to its customers. Supply Chain Decisions Rotana Jet has a well-organised network that handles products and services from the suppliers to final consumers. In this network, the company plans and m anages all activities in collaboration with channel partners, customers, fleet suppliers, and third-party service providers. Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Operational Decision Making at the Rotana Jet Company specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Figure 1: Rotana Jet Supply Chain Third party service providers in the supply chain are companies that provide other services at the airport such as refreshments, transport, and rooms for accommodation (Hammond, Keeney, and Raiffa 18). They also handle cargos at the airport and even take care of them while on transit. Fleet suppliers are airline construction firms that ensure that the airline company does not have shortage of aircrafts. Suppliers ensure that materials like ticketing machines and other non-strategic materials are available for use by customers. Channel partners, on the other hand, are organisations that cooperate with Rotana Jet to ensure efficiency i n service provision. For example, the Abu Dhabi International Airport management ensures that the runways are decent for landings and take-offs at all time. Customers are the final users of the services in the industry; they interact with the supply manager, as well as third party service providers in pursuit of quality services. The Rotana Jet supply manager in the supply chain coordinates all the activities in the airline industry in a streamlined manner to ensure that the company meets its strategic objectives in the end (Kopczak and Johnson par. 9). To enable Rotana Jet gain competitive advantage in the market, operations manager must rely on effective supply chains. They must understand the needs of the customers and other members in the supply chain in order to increase overall satisfaction for all.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The supply chain can increase the number of passengers, as well as cargo bookings if it is managed properly. In line with the above supply chain, the operational manager will also have to make inclusive decisions that encompass the interests of all the stakeholders in the company (Sanders 26). Markedly, all the stakeholders in the supply chain play vital roles in smooth operation of Rotana Jet. Therefore, the management must take into account their demands when making strategic decisions. From the company’s website, it is evident that the company keeps maintaining customers’ loyalty through cost-cutting moves. For instance, in its promotion, the fare inclusive of taxes from Abu Dhabi to Sir Bani Yas Island is AED 200, but an Airline Company like the Fly Emirates does not access such routes (Taylor and Raden par. 5). This move has enabled Rotana Jet to respond to public requests to serve regions that other airline companies have not accessed. Moreover, in 2012, this air line company became the first Domestic Airline to begin operating between Sir Bani Yas Island and Al†Bateen Executive Airport. At the same time, Rotana Jet intends to expand its networks to remote areas like Sharjah and Ras Al Khaimah. In other areas, the company had to cut cost in order to attract customers to use their services given that there is no difference from other companies. Operational Decisions Among the ten critical operational decisions, the case study discusses location strategy as a key factor in the success of Rotana Jet Company. Based on the services that the company offers, it decided to choose an airport on the outskirts of Abu Dhabi City Centre. The unique location made it suitable for both domestic passengers and corporate clients to access it. Since operational decision-making is an asset for all companies, the company will have to locate other airports in areas that are close to major cities in the world in order to make their decisions great corporate assets (Taylor par. 6). Proximity of airports to town centres increases the number of customers into the premises, and even makes it easy for an airline company to reach the potential consumers. In accessing the untapped market, Rotana Jet went on to set its foot in Dalma Island and Sir Bani Yas Island. In future, the company should move into regions that are near to city centres given the easy accessibility of such regions for all customers. Such decisions will enable Rotana Jet to receive many customers and passengers, thus increasing its volume of business transactions. With flights presenting numerous risks to neighbourhoods, location of future airports should consider nearby buildings, the maximum allowable heights, and distance of such structures from the airport. Since Rotana Jet Company targets to maximise growth and expand its clients’ base in the future, the above decisions on location strategy will help in realising the strategic goals and objectives of the airline company (Taylor and Raden par. 8). Productivity Determining productivity within this industry is measured by comparing the amounts of resources committed towards daily operations and the returns on investment received from the same clients (Hoenig 58). The Company can automate all its services, such as online ticketing of flights and accommodations. This will reduce the cost of maintaining employees who had been dealing with manual bookings. Additionally, there will be no queuing for services, hence increasing efficiency in the end. This reciprocates to increase in ROI. For example, assuming that the total monthly expenses are $300,000 and the gross returns in the same month are $505,000, the company will have a net profit of $205,000, implying that it is productive. When it comes to defining the operational management strategy for the company, one must keep in mind that the company’s productivity depends highly on two basic factors, i.e., the speed of information processing and the quality of the equipment, which predisposes such important aspect of the flight operations as passengers’ comfort and safety. Therefore, it is crucial that two major improvements should be made to the Rotana Jet Company. To start with, information management must be upgraded to the point at which the principles of shared information are integrated into the company’s principles of production process organization. As recent researches say, most misconceptions and misunderstandings leading to major mistakes, which, in turn, can affect the quality of the flight and, in the worst case scenario, claim passengers’ lives, stem from the inaccessibility of information regarding the flight schedule, as well as low speed of information transfer concerning the changes in the flight schedule. Therefore, it is crucial that the information concerning flights, as well as the state of the aircrafts and the results of the recently conducted airplane audits, should be avai lable to every member of the company. More to the point, every member should be made aware of the recent changes that occurred to the flight schedule, which can be achieved by introducing the principles of knowledge sharing. Another nonetheless important aspect that the quality of flights depends on concerns the professionalism of the employees. Firms that constantly engage their employees in trainings, seminars, and workshops do realise growth (Hammond, Keeney, and Raiffa 37). This growth comes in hand with stakeholders’ trust. For example, the move will develop loyalty among customers due to quality service provision. Businesses ought to be proactive and remain focussed on achieving their strategic objectives; therefore, the organizations must be open to learn new ideas to develop new knowledge. The Coca-Cola Company will continue to dominate the soft drink industry over its closest rival Pepsi if I use the above options to improve productivity.It is imperative that the sta ff should be trained regularly and that their skills should be upgraded every year at the very last. With competent staff and updated equipment, Rotana Jet will be able to provide its customers with the services of the finest quality. Works Cited Hammond, John S., Ralph L. Keeney, and Howard Raiffa. Smart Choices: a Practical Guide to Making Better Life Decisions. New York: Broadway Books, 2002. Print. Hoenig, Christopher. The Problem-Solving Journey: Your Guide to Making Decisions and Getting Results. Cambridge, Mass.: Perseus Pub., 2000. Print. Kopczak, Laura Rock, and Eric Johnson. The Supply-Chain Management Effect. MIT Sloan Management Review RSS. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 15 Apr. 2003. Web. Rotana Jet: About Us. Rotana Jet. N.p., n.d. Web. Sanders, Ralph. The Executive Decision-Making Process Identifying Problems and Assessing Outcomes. Westport, Conn.: Quorum, 1999. Print. Taylor, James, and Neil Raden. The Importance and Benefits of Operational Decision Making. Search Business Analytics. N.p., 4 July 2007. Web. Taylor, James. Operational Decision Making as a Corporate Asset. JT on EDM RSS. N.p., 27 Jan. 2010. Web. 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