Monday, May 25, 2020

The Natural State Of Man - 2222 Words

Christine de Pizan, Niccolo Machiavelli, and Thomas Hobbes all formulated their foundation of understanding of human nature based on their personal experiences. Each applied their theories of human nature to political arrangements and how it ought to be reflected. Hobbes argues that it would be rational to contract with one another to create a government run by a sovereign holding absolute power, because only absolute power is sufficient to resolve disputes. Machiavelli argues that man has both moral and immoral qualities, but will lean towards his own self-interests when all things are equal—This leads to man being unpredictable. Pizan argues that as humans we are vulnerable within a society, and that there needs to be justice and the†¦show more content†¦Examining Pizan’s works proves to be interesting since she is the first western female to write about these particular issues. Her view of vulnerability of all was hardened further upon marrying her then husb and, Étienne du Castel as he encouraged her to continue on her educational path as opposed to stifling her progress. Lastly her choice to want to remain an independent woman after her husband death led to her being a pioneer for feminism. According to Kate Langdon Forhan, she believes that Pizan’s awareness of human nature, view of prudence as self-interest, and functional view of the state are the main issues that brought Christine de Pizan to understand human nature as she does. By doing the things that men in her era were believed to be doing, she was able to come to conclusion of the understanding of vulnerability of all. She was aware of the vulnerability of every person within the political order and therefore takes that up as a theme she addresses in her works. Her response is that we need more justice within the society and the rule of law. Niccolo Machiavelli was also a revolutionary of his era who had a different view from other humanists in his time, because his view on the nature of man contradicts what most humanists believed. Humanists of that time

Thursday, May 14, 2020

President Roosevelt s Declaration Of War On Japan Essay

Could you imagine being a kid in the 1940s? Sitting in your living room on a Sunday afternoon waiting by the radio to hear your favorite radio talk show host, but instead the President’s voice comes through the airways and announces a national state of emergency. How would you feel? How would you react? What would you do? As President Roosevelt delivered his speech he had two main points that he wanted to relay to the nation. The first point was to encourage Congress to formally declare war on Japan. Insisting that the attack was just a start to the many more to come. The second point was to gather the support of the American people; in the war efforts that he was proposing, President Franklin used major American cities such as San Francisco, Chicago, and New Orleans as examples to show the American people that if one United States territory could be attacked, so could their neighborhoods. Both points touched their intended audiences. Moments after the speech Congress approved the declaration of war on Japan. The news sent a shockwave across the country, resulting in a tremendous percentage of young volunteers into the U.S. recruiting offices across the nation. â€Å"A date that will live in infamy† is a quote coined by President Franklin on December 8th ,1941 the day after Pearl Harbor was bombed. This surprise attack left 2,403 American civilians dead, destroyed 188 planes and crippled a pacific fleet that included 8 destroyed battleships (Eyewitnesses to History). TheShow MoreRelatedFranklin Delano Roosevelt And The President Of The United States1210 Words   |  5 Pagesillness and disability to lead a nation through war? Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) writer of the speech â€Å"Pearl Harbor Address† and the President of the United States of America declared war on Japan in December 8, 1941 after â€Å"December 7, 1941 — a date which will live in infamy† (Roosevelt). A speech analysis on Franklin D. Roosevelt reveals tha t through his dialogue and actions, his trait - confident, strong, and intelligent emerge. â€Å"Franklin Delano Roosevelt will remain a historical figure to be studiedRead MoreJapanese Air Assault On Pearl Harbor Essay1305 Words   |  6 PagesHarbor originated from an escalating Japanese-American competition in the Pacific. Japan s supreme aspirations had been apparent from as right on time as 1931, when she attacked Manchuria. The vanquished region s abundant assets were then used to supply Japan s war machine. In March 1940 Japan began the steps towards war by establishing a Chinese puppet-government in Nanking.With its possession of the Chinese ports, Japan wanted to close the remaining entry points into China. Pressure was put on FranceRead MoreThe Atomic Bomb On Hiroshima1214 Words   |  5 Pagesthe Enola gay took off to bomb Japan, changing the world forever. At 8:15 in the morning, a massive, mushroom cloud rose over Hiroshima, Japan killing more than 70,000 people. The first atomic bomb had been used in combat. Then on August 9, another bomb was sent in by the bomber Bock’s Car. It was originally supposed to go to the city of Kokura, but the weather was bad so it was redirected to Nagasaki killing 40,000 people. With the death tolls at around 129,000, Japan unconditionally surrenderedRead MoreAmeric Essential American Document1356 Words   |  6 Pagesverbal. Three stand out to me: Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D Roosevelt, and Susan B Anthony. Franklin D Roosevelt s â€Å"F our Freedoms† speech and â€Å"Request for Declaration of War on Japan†, Abraham Lincoln’s â€Å"Gettysburg Address† and â€Å"Second Inaugural Address†, and Susan B Anthony’s â€Å"Women’s Right to the Suffrage†. These five speeches changed America at the time to what we have and live by today. The first, of the five, is Franklin Delano Roosevelt s â€Å"Four Freedoms† speech. â€Å"In the future days, which we seekRead MoreAmeric Essential American Document1356 Words   |  6 Pagesverbal. Three stand out to me: Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D Roosevelt, and Susan B Anthony. Franklin D Roosevelt s â€Å"Four Freedoms† speech and â€Å"Request for Declaration of War on Japan†, Abraham Lincoln’s â€Å"Gettysburg Address† and â€Å"Second Inaugural Address†, and Susan B Anthony’s â€Å"Women’s Right to the Suffrage†. These five speeches changed America at the time to what we have and live by today. The first, of the five, is Franklin Delano Roosevelt s â€Å"Four Freedoms† speech. â€Å"In the future days, which we seekRead MoreAmerican History : Essential American Documents1353 Words   |  6 Pagesverbal. Three stand out to me: Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D Roosevelt, and Susan B Anthony. Franklin D Roosevelt s â€Å"Four Freedoms† speech and â€Å"Request for Declaration of War on Japan†, Abraham Lincoln’s â€Å"Gettysburg Address† and â€Å"Second Inaugural Address†, and Susan B Anthony’s â€Å"Women’s Right to the Suffrage†. These five speeches changed America at the time to what we have and live by today. The first, of the five, is Franklin Delano Roosevelt s â€Å"Four Freedoms† speech. â€Å"In the future days, which weRead More Americas Involvement in World War Two Essay1082 Words   |  5 Pages When war broke out, there was no way the world could possibly know the severity it would have taken on the people of the world. Fortunately one country saw and understood that Germany and its allies would have to be stopped. America’s Involvement in World War II not only contributed in the downfall of the insane Adolph Hitler and his Third Reich, but also came at the best time and moment. If the United States entered the war any earlier the consequences would probably have been worse. Over theRead MoreThe Manhattan Project And The Creation Of The Atomic Bomb1522 Words   |  7 PagesTrinity, the United States dropped two nuclear bombs on Japan, three days apart, which forced the Japanese to surrender. The story of the Manhattan Project is an abysmal subject, as is the effect of the Manhattan Project on international politics, and both will be covered in this paper. Indeed, the Manhattan Project and the creation of the atomic bomb were good things, because it actually decreased the likelihood of nuclear war in the post- World War II era. The Manhattan Project was preceded by a varietyRead MoreForeign Policy During World War II847 Words   |  4 Pagesentry into World War II with emphasis on the European Theatre, the U.S. bombings of Japan, and President Ronald Reagan’s â€Å"Tear Down this Wall† speech. On December 7th, 1941, the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service bombed the U.S. naval base of Pearl Harbor in the Hawaii Territory which resulted in multiple destroyed vessels, hundreds of lost aircraft, and over 2,300 human casualties (The WWII Museum). This was quickly followed by a U.S. declaration of war against the Empire of Japan. Then on DecemberRead MoreThe United States During World War I1506 Words   |  7 PagesThe United States during World War I extended their â€Å"military, economic, and/or political control† to other weaker countries like, Hawaii, Cuba, Guam, and Puerto Rico. They were following the policy of Imperialism.1 Imperialism allows for nations to be able to trade with one another and businesses preferred it because it helped the United States economy. Nationalism is when the people of a nation are under one government and this played a key factor in starting world war one. There was tension between

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Pre Lingual Hearing Loss, Or Deafness - 1420 Words

Pre lingual hearing loss, or deafness — â€Å"that is, severe to profound hearing impairment that prevents infants and young children from acquiring normally the capacity for intelligible speech† — affects tens of thousands of Americans (Murray, 1997). Accordingly, for this population of infants who were born severely or profoundly deaf and young children who became severely or profoundly deaf prior to developing any sort of communication, it is imperative that the child’s appointed professionals and caregivers determine the most appropriate mode of communication for their lifestyles, respectively. The majority of severely to profoundly deaf school-aged children in the United States use one of three modes of communication: a manual mode of communication using a sign system, or oral/aural communication via spoken language, and total communication (Tye-Murray, 2009). According to Murray Smith, in his article entitled Discourses on Deafness: Social Policy and the Communicative Habilitation of the Deaf, for this population of infants and young children who are severely or profoundly deaf prior to developing any sort of communication method, the â€Å"odds are considerably higher than average that they will obtain sub-standard educations, suffer illiteracy, struggle with emotional and mental disorders, and experience difficulty in finding and maintaining satisfactory employment† (Murray1997). In light of this fact, troves of research have been conducted, and is available, to assistShow MoreRelated Barriers to Effective Communication for Nurses Essay2089 Words   |  9 Pageslanguage is being used, if the client has any hearing difficulties or visual impairments, physical illness or disability, or if there are learning difficulties. Any of these issues could control how well a person is able to communicate with you. Therefore, for the purpose of this piece of work, I have chosen to explore two barriers to communication, and illustrate key points. The first barrier I have chosen is hearing impairment and then I am going to go on andRead MoreEssay about Unit 74 Qcfdiploma in Health and Social Care4410 Words   |  18 Pagesaffect communication, include hearing loss and sight loss. These are the two main senses on which humans rely to interact with their environment. Without sight or hearing (or indeed both) communication will be affected and alternative methods will need to be used. Hearing loss The term ‘hearing loss’ can mean someone who is profoundly deaf, as well as individuals who are hard of hearing (someone who can hear but has difficulty). Individuals with pre-lingual deafness (born deaf) will have usuallyRead MoreDental Question Bank33485 Words   |  134 Pages1 1. For lower premolars, the purpose of inclining the handpiece lingually is to A. B. C. D. Avoid buccal pulp horn Avoid lingual pulp horn Remove unsupported enamel Conserve lingual dentine 2. For an amalgam Restoration of weakened cusp you should A. B. C. Reduce cusp by 2mm on a flat base for more resistance Reduce cusp by 2mm following the outline of the cusp Reduce 2mm for retention form 3. Before filling a class V abrasion cavity with GIC you should A. B. C. Clean with pumice, rubber cup

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Walmart Essay Example For Students

Walmart Essay In 1945, Sam Walton opened his first variety store and in 1962, he opened his first Wal-Mart Discount City in Rogers, Arkansas. Now, Wal-Mart is expected to exceed $200 billion a year in sales by 2002 (with current figures of) more than 100 million shoppers a week(and as of 1999) it became the first (private-sector) company in the world to have more than one million employees. Why? One reason is that Wal-Mart has continued to lead the way in adopting cutting-edge technology to track how people shop, and to buy and deliver goods more efficiently and cheaply than any other rival. Many examples exist throughout Wal-Marts history including its use of networks, satellite communication, UPC/barcode adoption and more. Much of the technology that was utilized helped Sam Walton more efficiently track what he originally noted on yellow legal pads. Those closed businesses and the lost jobs supported community members, their children, their employees, and the stores in which they shopped. More local businesses will close after a Wal-Mart superstore comes to town. If businesses close at the same rate, Taos will lose 47% of its current retail stores and 54.5% of its retail jobs in a few years. What do we tell the families who have lost businesses or jobs that pay a living wage? Will as many tourists visit when we have fewer restaurants and shops because Taose#65533;os cant afford to support them during the year? Can local banks stay open with fewer local business and worker deposits and when Wal-Mart deposits its money at night and withdraws it in the morning? How long will Wal-Mart remain profitable and open when fewer people have money to spend? Gross Receipts Taxes In 1998 Wal-Mart accounted for only 4.6% of the total taxes due Taos from all industries. (NM Taxation ; Revenue Dept. and Wal-Mart) Do we change our land use code because Wal-Mart wants to blanket the country? What do we say to the hundreds of people who worked three years to produce Vision 20/20 and our land use code? Do we change our code that would support a local economy of thriving tourist and local-serving businesses, cottage industries and home businesses, agriculture and small sustainable industries that do not negatively impact the environment? What do we leave for our children and grandchildren? Food Prices Wal-Mart tells shoppers that they have low prices. However, a comparison of prices between the Taos food stores and the Wal-Mart superstore in Espanola shows: Meats are up to 91% higher in WM Fruits and vegetables up to 230% higher in WM Dairy products up to 16% higher in WM Beverages up to 31% higher in WM. Some people from Espanola even come to Taos to shop in SuperSave! Other Locations If either the County or the Pueblo were viable locations for Wal-Mart, wouldnt they have built in either place in the three years since Vision 20/20 was a .